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Why choose Acting Classes for Children in Dublin?


Drama classes and Acting Classes for Children have the ability to provide kids with a wide variety of skills that will set them up for life. Sounds good. However, if your child is shy and lacks self confidence – surely acting and drama classes wouldn’t be for them? Contrary to popular belief, introducing these types of children to drama and acting could be the best decision parents will make for their kids.

For some kids, confidence comes naturally to them. However, others need more support and encouragement in order to develop into self assured individuals. Performing arts classes such as acting, film and speech and drama, provide kids with the combination of a safe environment and activities they love, allowing them to gradually come out of their shells.

As performing arts allows kids to contribute ideas and put their own slant on everything they do, it allows them to express their personality, boosting their confidence and self esteem while giving them a greater sense of who they are.

Kids who take performing arts classes benefit from improvements to their abilities in many different areas – stretching far beyond the performing arts.

What are the benefits of Acting Classes for Children?

Some of the benefits of acting classes for children are listed here:

    • Performing arts develops creativity; allowing kids to be innovative, imaginative and broad minded. Classes stimulate and challenge the brain, encouraging creativity and expression.
    • Performing arts can help kids to overcome anxieties. By going on stage, giving a successful performance and receiving positive feedback, kids will be provided with reassurance, and as a result will be more likely to believe in themselves into the future.
    • Problem solving skills improve as kids are faced with unexpected situations, and must work out possible solutions. A child on stage will quickly learn to improvise and overcome any mistakes they may have made. This will help them know that they can tackle anything that comes their way – even if it is unexpected.
    • Doing something they love will give children a sense of enthusiasm that will shine through, even when they have stepped off the stage.
    • Kids learn how to work in groups. They quickly learn that social interaction and cooperation are key to positive end results, and are vital in any situation. Performing arts promotes working as a team while also encouraging and developing individual talents. Kids will be more confident in themselves and how they interact in groups – an important skill for future life. With a new child taking on the lead role in a new improvisation each week, they also get to practice driving and guiding the team and being in a leadership position. 
    • Performing arts are linked to positive outcomes in school, as kids experience emotional development and their behaviour improves. Children are encouraged to aim higher and overcome obstacles.

All of the above benefits will increase a child’s feeling of self worth and confidence. During rehearsals, confidence will grow as they see their skills improving. Accomplishing tasks and overcoming obstacles will boost self esteem as kids begin to believe in themselves.

To enrol your child for any of our film, speech and drama, or acting classes for children, contact the Betty Ann Norton Theatre School by clicking here